Cash Milk

What is Cash Milk? Let me see, how to make cash in milk products? Nope. Well you see a friend said to me that we should stop talking and start writing about our experience and where we are going. It made sense because most of our friends did not have the luxury to take time off work to experience life the way we did. We don't have such a grand life or anything but we tend to experiment with what we believe in. You could say we a just two average Americans trying to find our way in this depress market. The market is not really depress but we will touch up on that later.

So what is Cash Milk. Cash Milk is a blog about agriculture and land. The last American frontier. You see I am also a real estate consultant and I am betting all my marbles on agriculture properties. Why do I say that. It is because America is for sale and everyone is buying or are they? The last frontier is not going to be about mineral and oils but more so about hunger. I could be wrong, but at least I know I won't be starving.

For example, we are seeing an increase of the prices of produces and commodities. We saw average beef prices go from $.80 to $1.40 in less than 2 years. As fuel prices jump, those cost trickle all the way down to your steak dinner. And so the purpose of this blog is to inform you about these cause and effect. The correlation between two products on different end of the spectrum. So what are we waiting for ... start blogging!


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